Nassau County Microbiologist Dean Hart explains Kawasaki Disease

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Kawasaki Disease Explained By Dean Hart Nassau County Microbiologist

Kawasaki Disease also called Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome is a rare condition that may be linked to COVID-19. In New York City there has been an increase in the number of children hospitalized with Kawasaki disease. 


Mostly affecting children younger than 5 years old, Kawasaki Disease is an illness that causes blood vessels to become inflamed. Doctors don’t know for sure what causes this inflammatory response but believe it may be from a viral or bacterial infection. Even though it is mostly found in Japanese and Korean children it can affect any child. 


Liquid Lunch TV recently did an interview with Dr. Dean Hart Nassau County Microbiologist where he shares his thoughts on Kawasaki Disease and what parents need to know about this.



“The Disease is extremely rare,” says Dr. Dean Hart, Nassau County Microbiologist. “Most children that develop Kawasaki disease develop only mild illness and show minor symptoms.It is very unlikely your child will get it or exhibit any symptoms.”


Signs & Symptoms Of Kawasaki Disease Include:


  • Very High Temperature
  • Swollen Tongue
  • Swollen Eyes and Red Eyes Without Secretion
  • Fever
  • Rash
  • Swollen Lymph Nodes
  • Swelling Of The Hands and Feet


There are many more signs to look for but Dr. Dean Hart doesn’t believe that most children will show signs of the disease. Most of the children who end up in ICU from Kawasaki Disease only require supportive treatment. 


Doctors believe there is a link between Kawasaki Disease and COVID-19 but they aren’t sure what causes it. The good news is that less than 3% of children will develop Kawasaki disease.


Despite the very low risk of death from Kawasaki Disease it is important to seek medical attention right away if your child shows symptoms. Untreated children risk developing inflamed arteries, heart or blood vessel damage and in rare cases cardiac arrest 


To fully understand its effects on children and not adults more research and testing is needed, not only on Kawasaki disease but the other inflammatory disorders that seem to be linked to COVID-19. Dr. Dean Hart is more concerned about children being transmitters of the disease to adults. Children show very little signs of Coronavirus so it is hard to tell if they are affected. Children are able to beat the disease in a few days but they may transfer it to an older person who is less capable of fighting it. 

Source:  Dr. Dean Hart Nassau County Microbiologist Explains Kawasaki Disease In Children

For more information on Dean Evan Hart follow him on social media:

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On May 8, 2020

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