For a quarter of a century, Dean Hart has taught students at Columbia University’s Medical School and Eye Institute
Dean is a successful small business owner, having founded Woodbury Optical in Hicksville where he treated patients for more than 25 years. Dean is also licensed as an optician by the American Board of Opticianry. Dean is a businessman, optometrist, teacher, clinician, scientist, author who has been published in international scientific journals and textbooks and a respected international lecturer in his field.
Dean has a vision for the future of Oyster Bay and New York State. As Member of the State Assembly, Dean will be a strong advocate for his constituents, especially when it comes to fiscal matters. Dean is running for the State Assembly because he is tired of seeing our taxes and cost of living increase unnecessarily. He wants to hold the line on taxes by providing strong fiscal oversight, building a stronger economy and putting an end to the corruption that plagues our town, county, and state.
Dean is not a career politician. He will be donating his State Assembly salary to charity. He does not accept campaign contributions – his campaign is 100% self-financed. Dean is running because he is sick of the rampant corruption in government.

Latest News Feed of Dr. Dean Hart
“Operation Clean Sweep” – The name of a group of proposals Dean wants introduced in Town Government.
* Anyone running for office MUST disclose ALL income, holdings & investment.
* Stable Funding for School Districts – eliminate General Education Adjustment & restore foundation aid. -
* End Gerrymandering. Create an independent panel to create Town Districts.
* Two-day voting period for Town offices. It is arcane to have important local elections occur on Tuesday’s.
* Open Town primaries to all eligible voters.
* We need to institute term limits for elected Town officials. -
* Any public official found guilty of sexual harassment must be thrown out of their office.
* We need to ban outside income for legislators – with extremely limited exceptions.
* Public officials, convicted of criminal acts, MUST be barred from receiving public pensions. -
Education Reform
* Common Core – Repeal! Education decisions should be made at the local level.
* End the reliance on standardized testing.
* Prohibit contributions to Town candidates from Super PACS. These organizations end up controlling lawmakers and how they vote. -
Long Island’s Fair Share
* Long Island should not be responsible for bankrolling the rest of the state.
* Fight for more return in investments for the tax
* Long Island has the highest property tax rate in the United States. -
* Long Island is more susceptible to the effects of Climate Change and we should be doing everything possible to counteract the devastating impact.
* Fight for more investment in Green Energy Jobs & Infrastructure on Long Island.
* Protect the Long Island Aquifer.